The Love Unfeigned poem analysis

Author Introduction

Geoffrey chaucer, The father of English literature and first author to demonstrate the artistic legistamacy of the vernacular English. He brought a fusion between normal and imagination. His descriptions were men, manners and places with merits and demerits and taste in general.

Poem analysis

The poem carries out a great vowel shift, the each line of the poem end with the letter ‘e’. He begins the poem with worldly love and ends with God’s true love.

“O young fresshe folkes, he or she,……”

In the octave part, The poet calls all young fresh folkes of both young boy and young girl. He says teenage is the most adorable age of both the sexes, so he ask them to repair their hoom meant house of God , where it hits upon a biblical allusion that our souls are the house of holy spirit. Now it becomes clear that, the poet calls us to repair our souls which severs as the house of God. And prepare all those heart to admire the image of the person and think of the creator behind it. This world shall pass too soon and all the friendly relationship we think too shall pass like flours.

“And loveth him, the which that right for love……..”

The sestet part focuses on the unconditional love of God. The whole part can be explained with the biblical allusion of 1john 4:9 . And God showed his love for us by sending his only son into the world, so that we might have life thought him. Hence God is the only medium of love true who holds the right to be loved. Upon a cross, he gains our souls.we should sacrifice our soul to God. The best thing is “love of God”and the gift is to handover our soul to him. He nailed for for sins, arouse and set his sit in the above heaven. Chaucer ends the poem with the question. What need feyned loves for to say?


Above all God’s love is the true and genuine love. No other love could be equallient to that of his great love.

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